
Two things on my list.

We met with Sam's friends on Thursday at La Part des Anges, neat restaurant/wine bar located in our street. They have a cool website. It's good to meet people from the area. We came out with a list of local restaurants to try.

From our conversation that night, I also decided that I needed to go to a corrida once in my life. I have some issues with the concept but I need to see it once. They only happen in the South of France (and Spain of course). I did Las Vegas for the first time this summer. I can do a corrida! 

On my list too is to go to a soccer game. Even if you're not a sports fan but you're french, you know l'OM, Marseille's soccer team. Their fans are completely crazy and the excitement during the games is unique. Unlike american football, at least here I understand the rules...

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