"...Over 3000 years of history reside upon this rocky rise just north of the Mediterranean Sea on the Rhône River. Part of ancient Liguria, the site later became a city, Arlate, named by the Celts as the village amidst the marshes. After the Celts came the Greeks who made good use of this easily accessed inland port. The Greeks were displaced by the Romans and with Caesar's defeat of the Phoenicians at Massalia (Marseille) with the help of nearly 20 battle ships built by the Arlesians, Arles became the Roman capitol of Provincia Romana..."
"...Bull fighting is a major spectators sport in Arles, France and the first bull fighting event took place in this arena in 1853.
Arles, France has a school for young students who want to learn the basic techniques of bull fighting and about thirty students attend each year. If youngsters want to learn the basics of the Camargue bull games, Arles also has a school for them.
Arles, France has three major bull fighting events each year that attracts approximately 500,000 visitors to France and the arenas are completely full for each event..."

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