As of June 1st, I'm working in Lausanne, Switzerland. Which means less time for blogging, two hours in the car every day- it's temporary, I still live in France... I will explain -, no internet access at home (too scared to ask my neighbors if one of them is willing to share their passworded wifi), no time to discover the town.
But all is well. The swiss are swell. And I'm still taking pictures during the week ends... but not finding the time to post them. The only place I've found with wifi close to work is Starbucks. The one and only coffee house (american style) in town. But I can only drink so much of Starbucks juice per week...
So it's just going to take a little transition time for us to get situated here in Lausanne. I will tell you more about it as soon as I'm through this shortage of internet access.
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